We were born in the eye of the storm -- Tranquility -- blue skies Fluffy white clouds -- chirping birds Orange breasted robins Red crested cardinals In the eye of the storm -- it was a beautiful world We lived in the eye of the storm -- Elvis was king -- we were immortal Or at least we felt that way Life lay before us We would change the world From the eye of the storm -- it was a beautiful world We left the eye of the storm -- Turbulence roared -- smashed ideals Viet Nam -- John F. Kennedy -- Martin Luther King -- Robert Kennedy The world we sought to change Changed us From outside the eye of the storm -- survival And now the beautiful world in the eye of the storm -- A distant memory -- a cherished memory Beauty and Peace But in the eye of the storm -- there still is a beautiful world (And with each reunion we remember and share a moment -- In the Eye of the Storm)
Thanks for sharing Welly
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Since Febuary 16, 2006